Thursday, January 3, 2008

four he must shed

Oo my dream, let you not be incognito.
Let him discover you..
Beyond fear,
Beyond doubt,
Beyond surprise,
And beyond confusion.
The four he might dread.
And four he must shed.
May you come to his cognition.
When the time be.
Let me dwell in you till the time be


Prometheus_Unbound said...

Fear, doubt, confusion,surprise- Our world's would be so different if we could overcome them even half the times we stopped short of taking a plunge every time they held us back.

Thanks for dropping by.

nehasaraswt said...

humm.... yeh thats why.... thats why my dream is still incognito.... and i still dwell in it... its rare to find.... hard to achive.... but thats why it is....

Prometheus_Unbound said...

Hey, glad that you liked the post. Always feels good to have a comment on the blog.

BTW, I think I write more honestly on my other blog, at least am better at it than all the mess I create in life otherwise. So if you do have time, please do drop by