Friday, June 13, 2008

Solitude sought… togetherness found

“a very social human being who also celebrates loneliness sometimes” that was what one of her friends had to say about her… to describe her… she loves socializing so solitude comes to her rarely… still as any other wanderer in the quest of self she is a loner away from worldly tantrum…
Holding on to opposite strings she contemplates the meaning of solitude in her … with her … and presses her mind and a jubilant picture of solitude comes to her….and so the words flow out…

“Whenever I come across solitude…
I wish I am a duct peck…
That lonely drift that it takes
Isn’t it lovely….

Yeh! Says the nod…

Dependent only on…
The whims of itself…
And push from air
See even the dust peck is not alone
Air harbors it and houses it

Another nod comes across…

Till it reaches…
To earth to be one…
With its eternal companion
Its part of itself…
And still different…

The nod is missing cause the person who nodded exists no more… cause at this point storyteller and listener are one… and there wouldn’t be any solitude she was speaking about… cause not even the dust peck is alone….


Design Duniya said...

"...See even the dust peck is not alone
Air harbors it and houses it..."

Its beautiful!

nehasaraswt said...

thanks daling...
and welcome...